Stories of Valor: 5 Ways Our Global Team is Positively Embracing Change

Though the end of the COVID-19 pandemic is unclear, our team at Valor Hospitality Partners believes that there are still plenty of things to celebrate, smile, and be positive about. Embracing a new normal can be daunting but we think that it’s how you choose to embrace these changes that will determine your outcome in the future […]

Don’t Cancel, Postpone: Why You Shouldn’t Cancel your Upcoming Getaway

With the end of COVID-19 uncertain, how are you to know if upcoming travel plans are truly worth cancelling or postponing? By simply changing the date of your future getaway, you might be helping out more than you know. About ten percent of the world works in tourism (Source)—imagine how just postponing might help those […]

Social Media: Tips, Guidelines and Best Practices for Your Business During a Pandemic

Social media. A double-edged sword that presents an extraordinary amount of both pros and cons. In the current global climate swirling with Coronavirus and pandemic hashtags, how are we to interpret and decide what’s correct and what’s misinformation? How do we keep positively using platforms for effective communication? Our team at Valor Hospitality Partners wants […]

Why Effective Communication is Vital to Your Success in the Hospitality Industry

Communication is one of the main tenets of the hospitality industry and, working with guests day in and day out, we understand how it factors into delivering quality customer service, as well as our success as a company. Apart from adopting effective communication with potential clients, there are also undeniable benefits in networking with other […]